Mother’s Day Tribute – 2022

Date: May 4, 2022
Host: Jim Schneider
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The role and significance of a godly mother cannot be overstated.  For example, Jim cited a 2019 study from Barna Research.  It dealt with those in the homes of practicing Christians in the U.S.  It found that mothers, more than fathers, or any other category of frequent participants in households, are seen as the confidant, providers of support and even the drivers of the formation of faith.

Some of the clearest examples of the broad impact of mothers surfaced from the response of those from Generation “Z”.  They offered a portrait of mothers who are present, passionate and faithful.  In fact, according to practicing Christian teens, mothers are the “go-to” person for all kinds of support including advice, encouragement and sympathy.

So whether it’s Paul’s thoughts on a mother and grandmother from 2 Timothy 1:5 to today’s members of Gen-”Z”, it’s simply proof that mothers will always have a special place in God’s plan.

It’s for these special individuals that Jim once again hosted our annual Mother’s Day tribute which was highlighted by the personal testimonies of Crosstalk listeners.

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