Loneliness- Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was one of the greatest artists of all time. His works include The Mona Lisa and the our Lord’s Last Supper. But Da Vinci was also an excellent architect, musician, philosopher, and scientist. He conducted investigations in geology, botany, hydraulics, mechanics, anatomy, and mathematics. His other abilities included military engineering, city planning, mapmaking, even aviation. He spent years observing the flight patterns of birds and insects and as a result designed an aircraft 400 years before the Wright brothers.

He invented the first military tank, roller bearings, the pocket handkerchief and the wheelbarrow. He left behind 7,500 pages of observations in his journals.

One of his biographers noted that da Vinci, who never married, knew what loneliness was. But, he did not fear it, because he knew that time alone was when the creative mood in him would go to work.

500 years later, you and I are benefiting from da Vinci’s seasons of loneliness. Because, instead of fretting over his loneliness, he chose to redeem the time.

Rick Grubbs is best known as the host of “Redeeming the Time,” a one-minute radio program featured on hundreds of radio outlets around the world. He has spoken thousands of times on Biblical time management in all 50 states and 26 other countries. He is the author of the book “Morning Momentum: God’s plan for launching an unstoppable day”. He and his wife Carrie live in Salisbury NC with several of their 12 children.

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