Equality Act Advances & State Dept to Advance LGBT

Date:  May 6, 2019  
Host:   Jim Schneider  
​Guest: Mat Staver  
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Mat Staver is the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel. Mat has over 230 published legal opinions, has authored 8 scholarly law review publications and 10 books. He’s filed numerous briefs and argued in many federal and state courts including the U.S. Supreme Court where he has also argued two landmark cases before the U.S. Supreme Court.

What is the Equality Act (HR-5)? To quote Mat, it’s, ‘…the greatest threat to religious freedom coming out of Congress…ever.’ It’s rapidly moving through the U.S. House where Mat believes it will pass. From there it moves to the Senate and that’s where he feels it can be stopped.

The Equality Act amends a number of federal laws by elevating sexual orientation and gender identity to the same level as race in areas such as public accommodation, employment, etc. This expansion will cover every aspect of American life. In other words, anything you can’t currently do regarding race you won’t be able to do legally respective to LGBTQ. This includes cities, states, churches, religious organizations, all schools through the college and university level regardless of whether they’re Christian, public or private.

Looking at this more specifically, just as bathrooms can’t be segregated on the basis of race, under this law a church, for example, couldn’t tell a man that he has to use the men’s restroom if that man says or insists that he’s a woman and is entitled to use those facilities. To stop that individual would be discrimination based on LGBT.

One of the proposed amendments to the bill was to strike religious freedom exemptions from it. That failed by a vote of 22-10 which means there’s still no religious freedom protection in the bill as it currently stands.

Jim played two quotes from the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Jerry Nadler. One addresses the matter of religious liberty in this matter and the other concerns transgender athletes and their impact on women’s sports. In both cases, Mat referred to evidence that exposed the false nature of Chairman Nadler’s statements.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has announced their support for HR-5. So if you’re a business owner, you can let your feelings be heard on this issue by calling the executive vice president and chief policy officer of the chamber at the contact information listed below.

While all this is going on concerning HR-5, Mat also noted that more than one credible source is indicating that the State Department will issue a pro-LGBT directive this month to worldwide embassies through Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. See the numbers listed below for contacting the State Department.

More Information for Action:

Liberty Counsel



White House Switchboard: 202-456-1414

White House Comment Line: 202-456-1111

Senate Switchboard: (202)-224-3121

House of Representatives Switchboard: (202)-225-3121

State Dept Phone numbers:

Lisa Kenna – Executive Secretary – (202)-647-8448

Eva Weigold-Schultz – Deputy Executive Secretary (202)-647-5302

John Sullivan – Deputy Secretary of State – (202)-647-8636

Katharine Nanavatty – Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary (202)-647-5290

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Neil Bradley – 202-463-5310 [email protected]

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