As It Was in the Days of Noah

Date: December 22, 2022
Host: Jim Schneider
​Guest: Jeff Kinley
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This edition of Crosstalk recalled the account of Noah.  God instructed him to build an ark.  We know that only he, his wife, his 3 sons, and their wives went  into the ark.  In total, it was 8 individuals and 2 of each kind of animal.  Soon God closed the door, the rains came and flooded the entire earth, the topography was completely changed, and judgment was meted out on a very wicked world.

Some people foolishly call this account a fairy tale or myth.  The problem with that position is that when Jesus walked the earth, he referenced Noah as He told of a future time when the conditions of the world would be like the days of Noah.

So do the days of Noah really parallel what we’re seeing today?  That’s the overarching question that Jim attempted to have answered by Jeff Kinley.  Jeff is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and has previously served as a pastor.  He has a passion for sharing biblical truth and speaks across the country equipping churches and Christians to discern the times and to live with confidence.  He’s the author of 38 books including, Wake the Bride, Aftershocks, and others including his newly released book, As It Was in the Days of Noah: Warnings from Bible Prophecy about the Coming Global Storm.

Jeff’s desire with this book was to bring to the current generation the relevance of what Christ said in Matthew 24:37, that the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.  In other words, that generation will mirror the generation leading up to the second coming.

So as the “Revelation generation” where are we time-wise?  Jeff gave listeners a  lot to consider as he answered the following:  

  • Was sexual sin a part of the environment at the time of Noah and what biblical proof does Jeff provide?  
  • Is the sexual sin we’re seeing today actually a part of God’s judgment?
  • Is there a similarity between the violence of Noah’s day and today?
  • What role did Methuselah play in the flood narrative?
  • What marks of apostasy should we be aware of?
  • What does Jeff mean when he refers to the era of the anti-Christ?
  • What does he mean by the “open door”?

Listeners also had their chance to contribute to the discussion. 

More Information
Special Offer: The VCY Bookstore is featuring As It Was in the Days of Noah as a special book of the month.  The book normally retails for $16.99.  However, through December 31, they are offering it for just $8.49 plus any applicable tax and/or shipping.  It’s available at or by calling 1-888-722-4829.

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