Ultimate Infographic Guide to the Bible

Date: February 27, 2023
Host: Jim Schneider
​Guest: Dr. Joseph Holden
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Many people struggle to read the Bible.  They may struggle to see how what they’re reading fits together with other portions or the Bible as a whole.  Others may wonder what the difference is between the Old and New Testaments.  How are readers to make sense of the different offerings in Leviticus or the various kings in the southern kingdom of Judah vs. the northern kingdom in Israel?

Even if you’re a seasoned reader of the Bible, there are probably questions that have popped into your mind or perhaps you’ve been approached by others with questions.  For example, how can you be confident that the Bible is reliable?  Who decided which books made the final cut?   

These are questions you can find answers to and Dr. Joseph Holden appeared on Crosstalk to tell listeners how.  Dr. Holden is president of Veritas International University in Southern California.  He is general editor of The Harvest Handbook of Apologetics, co-editor of The Harvest Handbook on Bible Lands, co-editor of The Harvest Handbook of Science and Faith, associate editor of The Apologetics Study Bible for Students, with involvement in several other books as well.  He is also producer of the documentary, Archaeology and the Bible: The Top 10 Amazing Discoveries

What moved Dr. Holden to put a book like this together?  What he believes we’re seeing today is more and more resources coming on the market while at the same time our literacy is dropping.  So the impetus was to make the complicated a bit simpler for Bible readers.  The Ultimate Infographic Guide to the Bible deals with aspects including the story behind the Bible, the Messiah, eschatology, Bible history, and more, in short “bites” with attractive graphics that will help bring illumination and clarity to God’s Word. 

Jim had Dr. Holden describe much more about this book and what it has to offer as a companion to your Bible including:    

  • What is meant by the term: “infographic”?
  • Can we be confident that what we have in our Bible today is exactly what God meant for us?
  • What was the author’s approach to the information presented concerning the books of the Bible?
  • The panoramic view of the Old Testament, how it all fits together, and its importance to the New Testament.
  • How Jesus was qualified both legally and through Mary’s blood line to sit on the throne of David.
  • What do we know about the intertestamental “silent” period?

…and much more! 

More Information
The Ultimate Infographic Guide to the Bible is a hardcover 11 ½ x 8 ½ book.  The regular retail price is $26.99 plus tax and shipping.  Through this Saturday, March 4, 2023, the VCY Bookstore is offering this book at 50% off. That’s just $13.49 plus any applicable tax or shipping.  Available at vcy.com or by calling 1-888-722-4829.

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