May 17
1 Samuel 20:1-21:15
John 9:1-41
Psalm 113:1-114:8
Proverbs 15:15-17
I Samuel 20:13 – David’s son Solomon would discuss the behavior of kings often. Proverbs 16:14 encourages wise men to pacify their king’s wrath.
I Samuel 20:30 – This is a very strong phrase (cuss-level) used by Saul against his own son.
I Samuel 21:4 – Jesus cited this as justification for his disciples plucking grain on the Sabbath (Mark 2:23-28). One theory advanced on StackExchange is that Jesus is comparing the Pharisees to Doeg the Edomite.
I Samuel 21:10 – From Matthew Henry:
God’s persecuted people have often found better usage from Philistines than from Israelites. David had reason to put confidence in Achish, yet he began to be afraid. His conduct was degrading, and discovered wavering in his faith and courage. The more simply we depend on God, and obey him, the more comfortably and surely we shall walk through this troublesome world.
John 9:28 – We see the running line of authority contrast: the Jews claim Mosaic authority (which Jesus attacked by claiming Abrahamic authority). Jesus claims even greater authority (from God the Father), but the Jews claim not to know “from whence He is.”

Psalm 113:3 – How long are we to praise the LORD? All the time!
Psalm 113:9 – God is in control of everything!
Psalm 114:7 – People are nervous to meet a Governor, a President, or the Queen of England. How much more so should we be at the majesty of the Lord, the God of Jacob! How much more should we desire to spend time with Him who asked us to call upon Him!
Proverbs 15:16 – We’ve seen the Fear of the Lord referenced before… but do we realize how valuable it is? Too often we have the wrong priorities.
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