January 15 – Blessings from Seeking the Lord!

January 15
Genesis 31:17-32:12
Matthew 10:24-11:6
Psalm 13:1-6
Proverbs 3:16-18

Jacob and Rachel Leaving the House of Laban by Charles-Joseph Natoire, oil on canvas, 1732, High Museum of Art

Genesis 31:24 and Genesis 31:26 appear to show Laban is disobeying God. Laban obviously is speaking to Jacob but God seemingly told him not to speak to Jacob at all. This is where Bible commentaries can be helpful to explain difficult passages. BibleHub offers a few different commentaries on 31:24, and you realize there’s a wide variation in the commenting – don’t say anything violent, don’t go from positive to negative, don’t try to get him back, etc. That’s when you realize that human commentators are not inspired – but their best help is when they point out cross references. In Genesis 24:50 – years before when Eliezer went to Laban, asking for Rebekah to return to marry Isaac, Laban said “The thing proceedeth from the LORD: we cannot speak unto thee bad or good.” Now in Genesis 31:24 God uses the same words Laban used back at Laban – “Take heed that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad.” Ever had a time when God used your words to convict you?

Matthew 10:33 – Another convicting verse – “But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.” How many times have people started talking about eternity, life after death, and you’ve heard God telling you to talk about what His Son did for them? But thankfully – we know this isn’t the unforgivable sin, because as we’ll see in a couple weeks someone famously commit this sin.

Matthew 11 – When John was in doubt – Jesus pointed his disciples indirectly to Isaiah 35:4-6 – the signs of when God would come.

Psalm 13:6 – I will sing unto the Lord, because he hath dealt bountifully with me.” Feel free to sing during your time with God!

Proverbs 3:16-18 – We saw in yesterday’s reading that these are the benefits of wisdom and mercy, and Proverbs 9:10 tells us wisdom and understanding come from the Fear of the Lord and the Knowledge of the Holy. Today we see more benefits from fearing the Lord – Length of days, Riches and honor, Pleasantness, Peace, and Happiness! Enjoy God’s blessings from seeking Him!

Share how reading thru the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at [email protected] or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.

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