February 28: Luther on Praying the Ten Commandments

Dr. Martin Luther

Dr. Martin Luther has shared with us some of his insights on prayer, especially praying thru the Lord’s prayer. There’s more in his book
A Simple Way to Pray by Martin Luther, but first – you can also pray thru the Ten Commandments!

If I have more time than the Lord’s Prayer requires, I do the same thing with the Ten Commandments. By taking each one piece by piece, I can more readily concentrate upon it prayerfully. I divide each commandment into four parts, thinking of it in terms of a wreath made of four strands. For example, I approach every commandment as a lesson in itself, as it is meant to be. I ask myself, what does the Lord God expect of me? Second, I find in it a source of thanksgiving, then an opportunity for confession, and finally an occasion for prayer.

A Simple Way to Pray, Martin Luther

As David exclaimed:

O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day

Psalm 119:97

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