June 14: Daniel Whittle & how D.L. Moody ended up in between two prayers!

Daniel W. Whittle
Daniel W. Whittle

We’ve been looking and Daniel Whittle’s book, The Wonders of Prayer: A Record of Well Authenticated and Wonderful Answers. He shares an amazing account of how D.L. Moody ended up in the middle of two prayer requests!

A trustful Christian, whose heart had been deeply touched with thoughts of religion, was one day thinking and pondering and wishing that he might be more truly convinced of the actual existence of the Holy Spirit. “If,” thought he, “there is a Holy Spirit, a Superior Mind and Will, I reverently and sincerely wish that I may be convinced of it beyond all doubt; that I may indeed know God is a living reality and daily guide and mighty among the plans and ways of men.” Though having all the needed mental, historic and heart belief and trust in God – still there was desired that special satisfaction which can only come by personal evidence.

With reverent feeling one morning, he asked the Lord humbly, in Prayer, “What can thy servant do for thee this day? Teach him, that he may gladly minister to any one in thy name.” In the course of the day there came to him the thought of the revival services then proceeding in Brooklyn, and feeling a cordial sympathy, he sat down and wrote a letter to Mr. Moody, with these words: “I know not how you are supported, or anything of your needs; but I feel like helping you in your good work. Enclosed find check for $25; take it and use it if you need it for yourself; if not, then do some good with it.” The circumstance was almost forgotten, when the day after there came this wonderful reply from Mr. Moody:

“Your letter came to hand in the SAME MAIL, at the SAME INSTANT of TIME, with a letter from a brother in distress WANTING THE SAME AMOUNT. And now you have made him happy, and my heart glad, and the Lord will bless you for it.”

D.L. Moody

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