The Bible does not support same sex sexual relationships

Jimmy DeYoung

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JD: Several years ago David a young man named Matthew Vines wrote a book entitled “God and the Gay Christian”. He attempted in the book to show that the Bible actually supports same sex relationship. And that book seems to have had at least some impact especially upon young people.

DJ: I think that’s true. That book came out and I’ve spoken about it all over the world actually as one of the sections on my course on print theological issues. As sort of a follow up to the book he and a lesbian friend of his produced a video in which they supposedly give 7 Bible based reasons for same sex relationships. Let me just note a couple of them to show how off the wall they are. The main argument was that since some same sex couples get treated badly by Christians and it’s harmful to them this is bad fruit and is therefore evidence that God is ok with homosexuality. I call this you hurt my feeling defense.

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