Redeem the Time While Sleeping

Is it possible to redeem the time while you’re sleeping? David thought so.

In Psalm 63 he said he would have joy, “When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches.” In other words he would think through the night on the things of God and His word.

The last thought before you fall asleep at night often sets the tone for how you’ll sleep that evening. If you watch a scary movie just before bedtime, you’ll have nightmares. But if you fall asleep meditating on God’s word, the cleansing effect of scripture will continue in your mind through the night and will often be your first thought in the morning.

There is very real mental and spiritual activity going on in those night watches. By meditating on God’s word while we fall asleep we can make sure that activity is what God wants. And even while sleeping we can be redeeming the time.

Rick Grubbs is best known as the host of “Redeeming the Time,” a one-minute radio program featured on hundreds of radio outlets around the world. He has spoken thousands of times on Biblical time management in all 50 states and 26 other countries. He is the author of the book “Morning Momentum: God’s plan for launching an unstoppable day”. He and his wife Carrie live in Salisbury NC with several of their 12 children.

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