The Gospel is Good News

Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

Years ago, my neighbor’s wife asked him for a divorce. I saw how much he was hurting. So one night, I told him, “Bill, I put my trust in Jesus, and it completely changed my life. It’s the most important decision I’ve ever made. And Jesus can do impossible things—even heal broken marriages.” Bill looked at me and said, “Either you’re a liar, or you hate me.” Well, I was really taken back. He said, “You know, you’ve lived next to me for 5 years and never said anything about Jesus. If this really changed your life and can change mine, well then why haven’t you told me?” I begged him for forgiveness—and then I shared with him about Jesus. Bill put his trust in Christ and it changed his life too. Let’s not to buy into the lie that no one wants to hear the Good News. The Gospel is powerful and essential. Learn how you can share it with your friends and neighbors too by visiting our website at That’s

This post originally appeared at

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